Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dinner Conversation...

I love when everything comes together at dinnertime and you get just those few minutes to glance into your kids thinking. I had called everyone to wash up and come to the table for dinner. Emily and Ethan got there and sat in their places waiting for everyone else. This is the conversation...

Emily: Mom are we having mashed pataties for dinner? (Yes that's what she loves to call them)
Me: Yes
Emily: I LOVE mashed pataties.
Me: I love mashed potatoes too.
Ethan: Well if you love them so much why don't you marry them?
Me: I can't I'm already married.
Ethan: No mom not you. (at this point I walk away from the table and the conversation continues) I mean Emily.
Emily: HEY!
Ethan: I now pronounce you mister and missus mashed potaties. You may kiss the bride.
Emily: If I kissed them I would want to eat them and I would even if he doesn't have gravy.
Ethan:(giggles) If you eat them then you could get married again because your husband would be gone. (giggles all around)

So ladies, husband doesn't take out the trash? Doesn't put his socks in the hamper? If he's made out of mashed potaties you could always just eat him!