Monday, September 29, 2008


My sister-in-law Kim tagged me so I will give this a shot...
Here are the rules:
Link the person who tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.

1. Garbage bags without ties on them. I never buy garbage bags with out the drawstrings and I hate when they don't get tied up before they go into the outside garbage can. I don't know why but I hate even the thought of garbage free in the can!

2. Shoes on the bed...and worse on the sheets. I hate when anyone sits on the bed with their shoes on and I hate even more when the kids don't make their beds and then do it. Do you know where the bottoms of your shoes have been? Think about it...

3. If anything is going to go wrong with the car it will be for me. Our cars (especially Erik's car) love to play tricks on me. If the gas runs out as soon as the light goes on it is for me, if the tire is flat, me, if the battery is dead, or it just won't start, yup you guessed it ME!

4. Pillows on the floor. Ok, so maybe I have a bed thing. I try to keep separate pillows for the family to use on the floor and I never use them. The kids love to drag their pillows out to the trampoline. Oh the horror of that one!

5. I am a Lost, Heroes, and secret Greys Anatomy fan. I have been known to plan simple meals for the family on these nights on purpose and always make sure the DVR is set just in case. I save the ice cream or other dessert for these nights so come on over and know you want to!

6. Rain! I love rain. Not constant forever and ever rain. I like sunny days too. Most people get depressed when they have two many, rainy, cloudy or snowy days in a row. I struggle when there are to many sunny days in a row and we moved to Phoenix! Yikes...

Ok, there you go! I tag Shanda, Bethany, Charlene, Britta, and Amanda. Your it!


Robert and Bethany said...

AHHH! I knew you would to this to me. I try to avoid these things as much as possible, but I'll do it for you.

Robert and Bethany said...

How about heroes oh how I love this new season