Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to School

It's hard to believe that it is already time to head back to school. Yesterday we went to back to school night for the kids. They don't want to admit it but they are all so excited to go back to school.

Taking the kids to back to school night always brings back those memories of going to school. It was always exciting to find your name on those long class lists. You would search and search until you found your name and then search to see who was going to be in class with you. After that you would either groan or celebrate depending on who you got as a teacher. Then you checked out your classroom, got your supply list and then got to go school shopping! Nothing like the thrill of a new lunchbox and backpack!

It is strange to think that we have a fifth grader this year. To this day my most vivid memories of school start at around the fifth grade. It may be because that is the first school year that I only attended one school, I'm not sure. Erik says that he remembers fourth and fifth grade clearly too so I think that it is just that at about that time you are old enough to be able to carry those memories even many years after they happen. Alek is really excited to start band this year. The first week of school they get to go in and try out the instruments and decide if they want to join. I have mixed feeling about school starting. I am of course looking forward to having a quieter house during the day and hopefully getting things done but I am not looking forward to the homework, early bedtimes, packing three lunches every morning and most of all 7am school bus! Yuck!

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