Friday, September 18, 2009

Preschool Bound...

Yeah for preschool! We finally got everything squared away and found a preschool for Andrew. Andrew HATES primary and hates being left alone without either me or Erik so we weren't sure how this preschool thing was going to play out. He was pretty apprehensive but you could tell that he was really excited too. He wouldn't go unless we let him wear his Wall-E shirt.When we got there he was met by his teacher Mrs Jones. She is originally from England and taught preschool, kindergarten and first grade there. She has lots of fun new ideas that I had not seen before. I was very happy that he warmed up to her so quickly, not something he usually does.
Now there are four of the five of them at school at least four days a week. The house gets really quiet for at least a few hours of the day.

1 comment:

Robert and Bethany said...

The British actually have a better grasp on educating children then Americans do, so Andrew is pretty lucky. Yay for preschool!!!