Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Aug 9th was our first day back to school. The Saturday before was busy. Last minute shopping, picking out clothes and just general craziness filled our house. I thought I would get at least a small break having Sunday sandwiched in there but there was no such luck. Emily and Andrew couldn't wait to get to bed and get up the next morning to start school. Alek and Ethan grumbled there way to bed and could still be heard long after grumbling in their sleep.

The bus driver let me get on and take this quick picture. Emily is less than pleased with me for it but Andrew was ecstatic!

Emily age 7. Second grade San Tan Heights Elem
Mrs. Abungden's class

Ethan age 10. Fifth grade at San Tan Heights Elem
Mr. Jackson's class

Andrew age 5. Kindergarten at San Tan Heights Elem.
Mrs. Hegg's class

I'm not sure what happened to Alek's picture. I know it is here so I will include it as soon as I figure out where it disappeared to. You know those Jr High schoolers....

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