Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Now Pronounce You...

19 years ago my Mom and Dad sat us all down to tell us that we would be getting a new sister. A what! I yelled. I couldn't believe they had just told me they where having a baby. There was already four of us and I could think of no worse torture than to add another kid to the mix. Leah was love at first sight for most of us. We don't know why she came as such a late addition to our family but we all knew that it was meant to be.

Over the years we did a lot together. It wasn't unusual to find her car seat in the back of mine or Charlene's cars. We shopped, we played, we mini golfed, we stripped at the skating rink. (ok just Leah did that) In the summers we would ride the bus down town and shop for hours at the old Cross Roads mall and ZCMI Center. I helped my mom with parties in her classrooms at school and helped guide her when she thought the ultimate career choice was to bag groceries at Harmons.
It was so wonderful to come and witness Cory and Leah's sealing. It reminds me so much of my own and how exciting it was to step into that new life of being married. They looked so happy and nervous and excited to be getting married and the Sealer did a beautiful job.

I only met Cory a couple of days before the wedding and I am looking forward to getting to know him better. He is a great guy who loves Leah very much. We couldn't have asked for a better match. Cory...we are a loud, noisy, crazy family... welcome to it! Take care of our Beastie for us!

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